We opened our doors to address these simple truths:
Whether you were referred to us or googled “Financial Adviser Near Me”, we’re glad you found us. We believe the work we do brings lasting and meaningful value to our clients’ lives. We also believe that our business model is the most logical and practical way to engage a financial service professional.
Truth: Most people need help with their finances beyond investments and insurance.
OWN Solution: We provide cutting edge, research backed, investment and risk management solutions but you deserve more. Unsure if you should draw social security now or later, wondering if you should prepay or refinance your mortgage, contemplating starting a business, considering consolidating your student loans, need help with a spending plan; we can help.
Truth: Most people are paying WAY too much for the limited scope of traditional financial advice which typically revolves around asset allocation and investments.
OWN Solution: We provide real advice about things that matter and offer our unique “Capped” billing which limits the amount you will pay on an annual basis. We receive NO commissions, kick-backs, or referral fees; we work for you….period.
Truth: Big banks and brokerage houses are about sales NOT what’s in your best interest.
OWN Solution: We sign and deliver to you a fiduciary oath and are required by law to put your interests before our own. We do not sell products nor do we receive commissions of any kind.
Truth: Traditional financial service firms feed on the already wealthy and do nothing to accelerate the creation of wealth for younger generations.
OWN Solution: OWN was designed to add massive value and accellerate the creation of wealth for those at the top of the mountain as well as those on their way up.
Truth: Our Most Valuable Asset is Time
OWN Solution: We leverage technology to reduce friction and make efficient use of our time together. Our goal is to help you find more time and confidence to be with those you love most and to live your best life. Compounding works best the more time it’s given so let’s get started today!
We serve as your:
- Experienced Partner – What options/methods/approaches/trade-offs should we consider?
- Sounding Board – This is what we’re thinking…does it make sense? What do you think?
- Blind Spot Monitor – Any pitfalls in our thinking? What are we missing?
- Assumption Challenger – Are our assumptions reasonable? Are we missing some critical ones?
- Motivator – Can you help us do what needs to be done and hold us accountable?
- Network Connector – Do you know others who can help us? Who do you recommend for X?